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Are you local? (July 2013)

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Tru TV have bought London Live's Drag Queens Of London , starting 14 July.
So they're advertising rate is £40 per ad for a 30 second slot (and they're proabbly over selling the prize as well).

Not sure what the advertising level is set at by OFCOM but based on between 7-9 minutes an hour (7 minutes is the PSB level, 9 minutes the "digital" channel allowance) that's between £560 and £720 an hour, so a budget of between £95k and £120k a week. That's £5-6m a year.

I've no idea how much television costs but that doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would be. How does it compare to the regional budgets of the ITV and BBC regions, and are there any national digital channels which are output on that sort of budget?
Last edited by Brekkie on 19 June 2015 11:41pm
noggin Founding member
So they're advertising rate is £40 per ad for a 30 second slot (and they're proabbly over selling the prize as well).

Not sure what the advertising level is set at by OFCOM but based on between 7-9 minutes an hour (7 minutes is the PSB level, 9 minutes the "digital" channel allowance) that's between £560 and £720 an hour, so a budget of between £95k and £120k a week. That's £5-6m a year.

I've no idea how much television costs but that doesn't sound too bad. How does it compare to the regional budgets of the ITV and BBC regions, and are there any national digital channels which are output on that sort of budget?

Sounds VERY low to me if you are trying to make, rather than buy in dirt cheap, shows and employ staff.

Here's a 5-year old BBC tariff guide :
So they're advertising rate is £40 per ad for a 30 second slot (and they're proabbly over selling the prize as well).

Not sure what the advertising level is set at by OFCOM but based on between 7-9 minutes an hour (7 minutes is the PSB level, 9 minutes the "digital" channel allowance) that's between £560 and £720 an hour, so a budget of between £95k and £120k a week. That's £5-6m a year.

I've no idea how much television costs but that doesn't sound too bad. How does it compare to the regional budgets of the ITV and BBC regions, and are there any national digital channels which are output on that sort of budget?

Of course that would be assuming they could actually get Rate Card rates, Offer them quarter of that and they'd probably take it at the moment. If I were buying advertising I would want to see some real figures. By Big Centre logic, Showbiz TV and Information TV on Satellite have a potential audience of 70 million plus.
So they're advertising rate is £40 per ad for a 30 second slot (and they're proabbly over selling the prize as well).

Not sure what the advertising level is set at by OFCOM but based on between 7-9 minutes an hour (7 minutes is the PSB level, 9 minutes the "digital" channel allowance) that's between £560 and £720 an hour, so a budget of between £95k and £120k a week. That's £5-6m a year.

I've no idea how much television costs but that doesn't sound too bad. How does it compare to the regional budgets of the ITV and BBC regions, and are there any national digital channels which are output on that sort of budget?

Sounds VERY low to me if you are trying to make, rather than buy in dirt cheap, shows and employ staff.

Here's a 5-year old BBC tariff guide :

Extremely low. A 60 minute programme can cost £45,000 to make easily.
Steve in Pudsey
The BBC were quoting something like £120,000 per episode of EastEnders about 20 years ago in one of their "isn't the license fee great value" campaigns.

If one graphic could sum up how much of a joke this whole fiasco is, that might be the one to do it.

I assume they tested numerous typefaces for legibility (and didn't just pluck for the one they liked) when they were designing their station image...
Mike W
Jonny posted:

If one graphic could sum up how much of a joke this whole fiasco is, that might be the one to do it.

I assume they tested numerous typefaces for legibility (and didn't just pluck for the one they liked) when they were designing their station image...

I think Mike Prince designed it all based on a circular from ATV Presentation in 1976...
London Lite and Jonny gave kudos
On the plus side, at least they used the correct and up-to-date Freeview and Virgin Media logos with transparent backgrounds.

Not much of a plus, I know, but still!
Latest figures on regional spend I can find is from 2012, with the BBC/ITV spending £266m on 11,002 hours of content, so just over £24,000 per hour.
London Live's budgets at launch were around £10k per half hour for commissioned shows. Don't forget though they were using proper indies with professional staff working on the kind of rates London TV staff demand so BCTV could get a lot more out of £10k.
Last edited by gottago on 20 June 2015 12:40pm
Mike W
On the plus side, at least they used the correct and up-to-date Freeview and Virgin Media logos with transparent backgrounds.

Not much of a plus, I know, but still!

Just not their own logo, which has already changed!


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