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Coming 'NEXT' on BBC1 and 2

(September 2004)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Mark Smith
james2001 posted:
I don't know how well it works on every channel. As I said UK gold dropped theirs after less than a year, so they obviously didn't see it as that important. I personally see it as unececerry seeing as everyone I know with digital uses the EPG to channel surf, meaning that they will see what's next on the channel they're watcing anyway (on NTL we use the now/next banner)- and get a synopsis if they want. Much more useful than on-screen messages. In the age of EPGs there really is little need for it. The amount of extra viewers they will gain is minimal.

But many people don't use the now/next banner or EPG. My parents don't, although they will pick up the magazine if they can be bothered. I've reminded them several times about the now/next guide on the Freeview box but they still ask "what's this on now?" withouth bothering to pick up the remote and find out for themselves.

I'm not defending the use of coming up next banners though...all this on screen junk is annoying but if broadcasters believe it helps them to keep viewers then it's their decision to use them.
They don't annoy me in principle if they are done well, but what annoys me is something like this scenario, which happens regularly on Millionaire:

Arrow Before the last part of Millionaire, ITV screen a trailer for, say, Parkinson - After Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Arrow The Next graphic comes on screen, NEXT: Parkinson

Arrow Chris Tarrant tells us Parkinson is next on ITV1

Arrow The credits role and the ECP comes on screen, with us being told Parkinson is NEXT on ITV1.

That's just stupid.

Personally - I think if ON SCREEN NEXT's are going to be used they would be better off at the beginning of the last part of the programme, rather than a trailer in the last commercial break.
Gavin Scott Founding member
tvarksouthwest posted:
Gavin Scott posted:
This will happen in some form or another on every channel. It's an effective trick for retaining the audience before they consider where they were going to view next. It's worked on me before if I'm being honest - and that's the only way to approach the question of whether it is successful or not. Whether I like it, is entirely irrelevant.

It's something which realistically can only have a 50/50 success rate, rather like ECPs. If someone is watching a programme and a message appeared on screen saying "Next: Emmerdale", and that person absolutely hates Emmerdale, that viewer is automatically lost.

Well if a viewer hates a programme then they are of course unlikely to stay tuned; but you are overlooking the viewers who are A) persuaded to watch a programme because they like the look of it, and B) would have channel hopped and stayed away without the visual prompt. To say it's "50/50" is a little simplisitic.

It is a natural reflex to wonder what is coming on next when a programme finishes, and if a percentage don't then bother to look elsewhere then surely the technique works?
james2001 Founding member
I think a good idea would tobe to puta now/next slide up before the last part of each programme.Surely that wouldgrab people's attention juat as much as a graphic on-screen- and it doesn't intrue on programmes.
Ftn do it quite well. A still caption just before the last commercial break, with the announcer saying what's on Next (no info, just "NEXT: Most Haunted")
Australian commercial networks have started doing this the last year or so as well. We've always had the station logo and program name appear down the bottom of the screen after returning from the ad break but now Channel Seven promotes other programmes during the week and then the next programme as well. Same with Channel Ten and Nine. We're also getting animated pop-ups in the middle of shows now, promoting other programs on. Can be very distracting having a bright red swoosh across the bottom of the screen advertising that Alias is on Monday at 8.30. Mad
Are we all watching BBC ONE now then....? Cool
Jenny Founding member
The people responsible not only shouldn't be working in television, they shouldn't be breathing.
Well, if no-one complains, nothing will happen, so get to it now

any any other addresses you can think of!
Jennifer Turner:
The people responsible not only shouldn't be working in television, they shouldn't be breathing.

Once again Jenny you have made a comment that I find offensive in the extreme. No matter how much I disagree with anyone, I would never wish them dead - something which you have done on at least one previous occasion in addition to the one above...
While they shouldn't be dead, ther certinally shouldn't be allowed to do this sort of rubbish. I'm not watching anything on BBC1 until it has gone. I'm keeping my eyes peeled on Points Of View next week.
fusionlad Founding member
big_fat posted:
While they shouldn't be dead, ther certinally shouldn't be allowed to do this sort of rubbish. I'm not watching anything on BBC1 until it has gone. I'm keeping my eyes peeled on Points Of View next week.

Yes, beacuse that programme has so much power! Rolling Eyes

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