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BBCi on TV

Ceefax Style Service Lauch (December 2003)

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From BBCi:
Jenson Button will be showing BBC viewers what it's like to be in the driving seat when he fronts the new look digital information service, BBCi on TV, from early December.

In the latest BBCi television trails he will be using a different kind of control, the remote control, to navigate the BBC's digital version of CEEFAX, gaining access to the latest news, travel, weather and sport on demand.

"I enjoy being up to date but I'm always on the go. When I'm racing I need to be completely focused, but when I'm out of the car I enjoy getting the latest news, sport and entertainment news, whenever I want it. BBCi on TV is the perfect solution," said Button.

BBCi on TV is available 24 hours a day, and can be accessed by digital viewers from any BBC channel by pressing the red button on the remote control.

Viewers are taken to a drop down menu from which they can select from a range of 'always-on' information including news, sport, travel, and weather.

As well as text information, BBCi on TV also offers digital viewers video updates across a range of subjects.

Hopefull better than the current design. Also the feature to watch any channel whilst on the Sport News section e.t.c. wouldn't go far wrong.

GO to BBC Press Office for more info.
Last edited by AJB on 1 December 2003 7:40pm
DAS Founding member
Jenson Button posted:
"I enjoy being up to date but I'm always on the go. When I'm racing I need to be completely focused, but when I'm out of the car I enjoy getting the latest news, sport and entertainment news, whenever I want it. BBCi on TV is the perfect solution"

What utter tripe!
DAS posted:
Jenson Button posted:
"I enjoy being up to date but I'm always on the go. When I'm racing I need to be completely focused, but when I'm out of the car I enjoy getting the latest news, sport and entertainment news, whenever I want it. BBCi on TV is the perfect solution"

What utter tripe!

I know. I just laughed when I saw that. At the end of the release it says:-
"The BBC expects Jenson to push all the right Buttons for BBCi."

Who wrote this? What rubbish.
cwathen Founding member
How much did they pay him to say that (or rather, just put his name to something they wrote).
A former member
Freeview viewers will wonder whats going on.

Initial relaunch of BBCI July, we are still bloody waiting. All we have is the bridge. We werent even expecting miniscreens, just a new bloody service. Its december Ive waited half a year for them to complete phase 1, how long do I wait. I cant vote on poll because i have only seen old version.

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