
A member since 28 November 2003

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Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is in hospital

Jonwo posted:

Some people on here seem to think if you're not a journalist or from a journalistic background then you're unworthy or not capable of being a good presenter.

I know what you mean.

So if you’re moving house and get appointed a conveyancer you don’t ask whether they are a solicitor, conveyancer or even have a law degree but god forbid a non journalist delivers the news on This Morning.

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EU Referendum

JAS84 posted:
MSNBC appears to have taken the bar that ITV is using that shows the votes and percentages for their own use. They just did a hit from their London newsroom with Kelly Cobiella and the bar was resized to fit the width of their astons. The fonts the same, the yellow dividing line that moves as percentages change was there and the update animations the same. I only noticed this at first because the font that's used is not used by MSNBC at all.


That's an ITV custom font. I reckon they won't be pleased with MSNBC's appropriation of their graphics without credit.

Unless of course ITN is providing them with the graphics