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101 ways to leave a gameshow

(July 2010)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Apologies for the huge file below, but this shows how the 'set' moves within the "101 Tower".

I'm still not entirely convinced, that could just be a big hoist/lift.

These pictures from the nighttime finale section show the studio is inside the tower:

Either way, the transition between the studio and the outside wasn't fluid enough to justify it being in the tower... they could have been answering questions in London for all the atmosphere it added.

There's no point having a studio at all really, answering questions while attached to bungee rope and ready to 'leave' the programme would have been better and would speed up the programme


The main problem with the show IMHO is that they've got a fairly good concept for a 30 minute programme, but decided to stretch it to 60 minutes with drawn out pauses and countdowns. I would also like to see several people left at the end (3 or 4) of each question, and the one leaving is just dropped, without being given time to realise they've got the wrong answer, meaning much more relief for the other contestants when they hear the splash and it isn't them.
Inspector Sands
These pictures from the nighttime finale section show the studio is inside the tower:

Thanks for that, I'd turned off before the finale!
The concept consisted of lining up in the studio, each person picking a question, then going outside to get ready for the 'drop' then being told who answered each question again, then giving us the answer that was correct, saving that person and then finally...20mins later revelling the actual answer from the question that was originally asked. meh.

You missed out "contestants being made to answer yet another question if they all picked the same answer". Why don't they just turn Numberwang into a full series and be done with it? Wink

It's a show where I think the bigger budget and the desire to make it look like a massive stunt show actually harms it. I suspect if it was done in a studio on a much smaller schedule the "101 Ways to Leave a Gameshow" would actually be much more interesting as a bit more imagination would have to be put into them. They certainly wouldn't all just be variations of being dumped into a pool.
Andrew Founding member
As a supporter of the licence fee, I do cringe when I see trashy programmes like this on the BBC. It's not original, distinctive, quality, or something which couldn't be done in the commercial sector, and simply gives ammunition to those who want the fee scrapped.

With the BBC trying to justify every penny of its existence at the moment, I don't understand how they think spending money on crud like this is acceptable. They need to leave that kind of drivel to ITV.

I agree. Also if it was on ITV there is no way this drivel would be a success. Total Wipeout would never had got a second series if it was on ITV.

I can't believe over 4m viewers tuned in.

Are we sure that 'studio' isn't just very good green screen stuff, is anyone ever seen walking in and out of the studio onto the platform?
As a supporter of the licence fee, I do cringe when I see trashy programmes like this on the BBC. It's not original, distinctive, quality, or something which couldn't be done in the commercial sector, and simply gives ammunition to those who want the fee scrapped.

With the BBC trying to justify every penny of its existence at the moment, I don't understand how they think spending money on crud like this is acceptable. They need to leave that kind of drivel to ITV.

I agree. Also if it was on ITV there is no way this drivel would be a success. Total Wipeout would never had got a second series if it was on ITV.

Total Wipeout wouldn't have been as bad if it were on ITV as it's one show where the ads clearly work - and unlike this show, is actually a great format in the right hands.

The BBC though just don't do formats well, usually as there is simply too much compromised in an attempt to make the show what BBC execs think the viewers actually want. Even with their own formats the foreign versions seem to be handled better.
What is it with these gameshows being produced in Argentina ? Why there ?

This was mentioned on Scott Mills' show on Radio 1 a few months ago, and they said it was something to do with far laxer health and safety rules out there. How true that is I don't know.
I may as well post this and walk around town with a 'kick me' sign on my back, but I actually 'enjoyed' the show. It was extremely drawn out, tediously slow, with some cringworthy lines from Steve, but at least I feel the concept for success is there. 45 minutes would be an ideal time I think. Everything needs to be cut down. I found the longest bit felt like the time in the studio! Just hurry up and get through the god damn answers!!!

So this post probably does sound a tad contradicting, but I did find myself laughing at the expense of those who had the wrong answer so in that respect, the show lived up to its self!! Just...
What is it with these gameshows being produced in Argentina ? Why there ?

This was mentioned on Scott Mills' show on Radio 1 a few months ago, and they said it was something to do with far laxer health and safety rules out there. How true that is I don't know.

I'm sure I've read its down to costs. One set can be used for all international versions
noggin Founding member
What is it with these gameshows being produced in Argentina ? Why there ?

This was mentioned on Scott Mills' show on Radio 1 a few months ago, and they said it was something to do with far laxer health and safety rules out there. How true that is I don't know.

I'm sure I've read its down to costs. One set can be used for all international versions

Yep - the weather is also a major issue. If you tried to do that show in the UK you'd have real issues with rain and wind - I suspect they've chosen a location where they have fewer potential days lost to bad weather. (Though that doesn't stop Icelandic volcanoes blocking contestants' flights.)

AIUI all the shows are made in Argentina apart from the US version - though I heard a rumour that they may try and do the UK version in the UK soon. (There might be a certain charm in doing it in a blizzard, hailstorm, or pouring rain - just like It's a Knockout...)
noggin Founding member

Are we sure that 'studio' isn't just very good green screen stuff, is anyone ever seen walking in and out of the studio onto the platform?

Pretty sure. The lighting in the studio would be MUCH better otherwise I suspect.

The whole show looked very flat - I think they spread the budget too thin and over too wide a space. Too much of it was "illuminated" not lit - so nothing really had any sparkly or gloss.

Steve Jones is also a pretty average presenter. Likes himself far more than the audience does I suspect...
I heard a rumour that they may try and do the UK version in the UK soon.

Please don't tell me this has been given a second series.

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