Well I'm not sure that Twister was the same concept. They played games, not crazy games, but games to win time on the structure. They did have a quad bike race, that was a rip off. But the idea was that they had to make their way through a structure whilst elelments of a storm/twister attacked them.

Really? Globoloco axed? Even though they bought it back to re run old episodes straight after the series had first aired?

And it was nothing like fun house. It was more like you bet.

Tell me any similarity between globoloco and fun house. There aren't any. Unless you are too young and think of some, that aren't actually true!

Fun House, Pat Sharp, Melanie & Martina, four contestants, two teams, three games involving colecting things so that the twins could count. A grand prix circuit. And the winning team entered the fun house and went for prizes.

Globoloco, Stephen Mulhern, Dad (sorry can't think of his name at the mo), six contestants, two teams, many games based on betting, where the contestants don't do the games. A final game where the one that ends up the dirtiest goes through with their teams to the final that involves throwing potatos at tv screens.