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New Daybreak Studio

..again!! (January 2012)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I do sometimes wonder whether or not people post their disgusting mocks to show off that they have certain music tracks...

What music? I dont no wht u meen. derp.

Were there multiple earthquakes in London that day?
Too late. Reached it, passed it.
Hell are those tracks?! New to me... Anyway, Few snags.

Firstly, the main desk... A good idea in though, in this mock, not so. Now, I'm fully aware of the lack of view at that ungodly hour, but think how Yahoo! 7 Sunrise and NBC's Today go about this? A huge screen just isn't going to help. Plus, it's a bit... bare. There's nothing to break up the set that's there. The whole idea of the 'crt' screen look with regional feeds is just... Soooooo 2 decades ago! Plus why would I want to see the other regions? It's farr too much to have on screen at once. So over powering. If we were in the 80's, It's a good idea! but sadly, It's 2012, a World with bezeless screens, 3D sets... and a high standard in some set design.

That set is SOOO not built around TLS7. Firstly, what studio is it based in? I mean, either use the one that they've got already, or one that's available to use, REALISTICALLY. There's no room for the cameras to move around. Imagine this sequence

Main Desk > News > Sofa

Looking at the closer wide of the studio, there's minimal space to get around, even during the VT. Oh, and on the subject of the wide close, how high is the roof in this studio?! What you wanting the presenters to look like at the end?! ANTS?!

Anyway, not great IMO.

In my mock, I've used TLS7 and the original studio to work on a way of 'improving' in my opinion. Doing away with so much wood on the back wall and going for something similar to that on Yahoo! 7 Sunrise *
Last edited by 030293 on 28 January 2012 10:04pm - 2 times in total

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