Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and give some good feedback David. It's also worth pointing out I have read the other comments given overnight, but will not be replying to them. If anybody has any further points to make, PM me rather than posting it in this thread.

I agree that the transition between the serious top story and the fluffy story isn't exactly subtle. The triangles in the ITV News colours were to create a link between the two brands. I'm going to look into how I can use one set of colours for all stories.

I have already adjusted the position of the second contact us method for the next update, I messed up the spacing when overlaying the two boxes.

I personally like the 'Week' in bold, but it could be changed. I don't feel the W appearing as 'VV' is really a big issue, because the font is only used for the show logo, and not the graphics.

The text positioning is a problem, I'll modify that for the next update.

You're right David, the set is dull, and the white walls don't help. It works for NBC Today because they use a bright orange to complement it. I'm going to create a stripy teal/white pattern, then use it for the sofa cushions, window seat cushions and lampshades. I'm also going to change the sofa to a duck egg blue cross stitch pattern.

Hopefully you'll like the changes.

Thank you again David for the valuable feedback. Smile