
A member since 15 May 2007

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Latest post in BBC One to Trial Evening News Summary

timgraham posted:
FWIW I think it's better these 'lowest-common-denominators' are watching some sort of news (from the BBC no less) than seeing nothing at all. I wouldn't be concerned at all about people being dumbed down so to speak, AFAIK BBC News is the most watched service in the UK and it's hardly a low-quality product.

It's when people are watching steaming piles of turd (pardon the French) like our Australian 'current affairs' programs (weight loss, celeb gossip, shonky builders and welfare cheats 'rorting' the system) get ratings in excess of 1 million - that's a lot here - that you should really be worried.

What I'm trying to say is that even though I've only seen on of these updates, you've got a long way until you've really hit rock bottom.
Speaking of rock bottom...

Check out the video clip from 25 May from Fox White Girl Helps Black Girl with Skin Problem
All by Mancunian

Final post


Fox News

Fox News published an article on its website about the iTunes release for the Beatles, referring to them as "Manchester's favorite mopheads". The Fox website has since been updated and now refers to "England's", but there's a screen grab of the original version on the Register.