Inflatable Dartboard

A member since 23 April 2008

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Latest post in Doctor Who- The New Series (W/O spoilers)

Inflatable Dartboard
Ronnie Rowlands posted:
The scene where Rose walks away from that explosion without flinching reminded me of Sylvester McCoy doing the same in 1988's 'The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.

Me too Smile

Ronnie Rowlands posted:
"The Osterhagen key" was also odd, but my fear is that it's going to turn out to be some giant reset button that will lazily conclude and fix the story, like last year's disappointing finale.

This worry has also formed in my mind. I may have to personally murder RTD if this turns out to be the case. Evil or Very Mad
All by Inflatable Dartboard

Final post

Inflatable Dartboard

Reporting Scotland

I noticed that last night BBC Two Scotland ditched the London edition of Newsnight altogether, in favour of a fully seperate Newsnight Scotland from 10:30pm!

And it was on for 60 minutes, meaning that The Culture Show etc was screened 10-minutes behind Network schedule.