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(March 2019)

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Did Gok Wan fall out of favour with Channel 4?

Years ago yes. He then spent some time on ITV Daytime, then ITV Be, and now TLC. So a steady decline.

Thanks. It occured to me I hadn't seen him on Channel 4 trailers in ages.
bilky asko
Did Gok Wan fall out of favour with Channel 4?

Years ago yes. He then spent some time on ITV Daytime, then ITV Be, and now TLC. So a steady decline.

Thanks. It occured to me I hadn't seen him on Channel 4 trailers in ages.

There was "Gok's Fill Your House for Free" in 2016 and was apparently on an E4 programme "Made Over By" in 2017. If he's been away from Channel 4 it's not been for long.
Whataday Founding member
I think it's more that Gok's sort of programmes have fallen out of favour with Channel 4 at the moment, rather than anything personal.
Lou Scannon and orange gave kudos
TVArchive Founding member
More on the ident changes from the design lead here:

90 days later

Whataday Founding member
Not really worth its own thread but seeing as we were talking about Gok's career, it seems Really is bringing back his original show:

A lot of Channel 4 shows have been revived on other channels like Your Face or Mine on Comedy Central and Channel 5 is bringing back 10 Years Younger but with Cherry Healey presenting.

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